I’m driving
down this road… I know where I need to get to but its feels like am in a maze…
you know hose fun mazes you’d do as a kid and how much fun you’d have going
round in circles just to find a dead end and having to retrace your steps so
you end up back at square one…
Mine is a
different kind of maze...infact when I think of it, I remember the game snakes
and ladders. You can see the end of the game, where you need to get to but
there’s the snakes and the ladders.
The ladders
are what help you get there faster...they are there to boost you up...give you
a little hand when you’re drowning. I have seen ladders in the shape of friends
and loved ones who have sent me a thoughtful sms or email…you know, the kind
that just speak to you when you are at your weakest point. I have seen ladders
of all shapes and sizes and some have come from the most unexpected of
places... it’s like when you’re
wondering who you are to think you can get that job and the guy who
brings lunch to the office is telling me in the lift to not lose hope, the
faith that enabled me see the advertisement and apply for the job is the same
faith that will enable you to get that job…just keep praying. I’m talking about
people coming from nowhere and asking you about your talents…random encounters
that provide a link to something bigger. I’m talking about opening your bible
and reading Psalms 91 when you are thinking “nobody can get me out of this
darkness…I’m so screwed.”
Then I’m
looking at the snakes…you know those people and things that are there to stop
you from getting home. You know that little voice in your head that’s telling you,
“you can’t make it, who do you think you are to think you can get that
promotion, you suck, you make mistakes and that’s how you will always be”…its
that thing that brings you to your knees and completely breaks you down so you
find it hard to get up and keep moving…that thing that makes you shift focus so
instead of moving forward your always doing two steps back..
I have
learnt that in the game of life...there’s gonna be snakes and there’s gonna be
ladders… it’s how you choose to deal with the hand that your dealt with…good
and evil are at work in our world and just like in the movies..evil is working
to ensure that good does not triumph…but if you trust in God, it does not
matter how long you’re in the maze...you’ll make it out and get your prize.
Imagine God
is the game-master, He knows every aspect of the maze…He can see that when you
take the right, you will meet the snake and the right will lead you towards the
ladder. Challenges as I have come to learn are here to grow our faith…we would
all like to have it easy and sometimes ask God to just lead us in the path of
the maze with the least resistance and the fastest means to get to the
prize…and it is not wrong to ask…but how would you learn to face the snakes in
the next level of the game? If God is the game-master, it means He sees and
knows how the game works, and if He allows you to meet a snake, it’s because He
is shaping something in your life…building a character that will be useful in
the next level of the game.
The point
is, at the end of it all, He intends for each of us to win the game and get our
prize. This game requires some crazy kind of faith…the kind that believes in
the end even though he/she cannot see it or how to get to it. It’s the kind
that says … “I don’t know where this is going…but I trust the Game-master to
get me there eventually.”
So come
on…tell the snakes “Game on!” and trust the Game-master to walk you through it
every step of the way.
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