Saturday, August 4, 2012


Last weekend I found myself in very unfamiliar territory. Actually we would never have crossed paths had i not agreed to pick up my nephew from that place but interestingly it was a light-bulb moment.
So i took my daughter along (for the ride) to pick my nephew from a basketball court. I do not know why but i actually thought that it would be empty save for my nephew and his older cousin who brought him along for his training. Was i wrong.
Its like 10am on a saturday morning and all the courts are packed...they is even a game im seeing for little boys around the age of 8/9 shooting hoops. I was like 'whaaaaat!' I felt like i had walked into another alternate planet where people sacrifice their sleep to come and play basketball...i have heard of ligi dogo but basketball?? There were women too!
To me it felt like one of those "Gladys, which hole have you been living in all your life!" moments. I just assumed that nothing much goes on on saturday sportswise unless theres a soccer match at nyayo or city stadium or a marathon(or should i say charity related run?)...and lets not forget the rugby which is also not so frequent (but im not a guru on these matters). Yet, here are all these people...and their 10am in a bball court.
Here is the even more interesting part, each team has its full uniform and coach...and the matches are all so organized. The crowd is not the stone-throwing type so you can actually sit down and watch without fearing your car will disappear or a side mirror will go. I was pleasantly suprised!!
Lesson: if you have kids or know of kids who need to let some steam off or develop a sport, there really are so many options out there. Our problem is that we never go out of our way to find out. This kamovement is right under our noses and we dont even notice. I even heard that ballerina classes are taught somewhere in this Nairobi! I hope i will never say that "i dont know what i will do to keep aliana busy on a saturday." The options are a google serarch away.

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