Sunday, February 20, 2011


When NTV launched that show i was like.."eeeww! like anyone would be interested to know what happens in a salon!" I was wrong..its amazing how a simple visit to the salon can shape one's outlook on life and im not talking about those nice salons in the talking that mabati one near your estate..ok..its maybe not that one..the one in the shopping centre..either way its a kasmall establishment!
So i thot about this when i went to the kasalon next to my you ever notice how good the hair of the hairdressers are? we all know thats a sales gimmic..anyway,jana i was at the salon and one of the hairdressers gets a call and her colleagues start chiding her..making those gestures of "its the boyfriend calling"..the usual silly stuff people do..the blushing hairdresser rans out of the salon to pick her call in private.
and the minute she's out,her colleagues back at the salon begin talking behind her back! and its not the good stuff..its actually scathing! "ooh does she know what a looser that man is...oooh i wish she could get a man like mine..ooh ooh oooh (as bonny khalwale would say)
minutes later when she returns its back to pleasantries and words of like gawsh! backstabbing has never been so smooth..wacha velvet!
It took me back to a day last year when i was in a different salon in the neighbourhood and these two hair dressers went all out! it was pure soap opera! I cant really remember how it started but it had something to do with one saying the other was that changed into their bedroom habits is still a mystery to me..the two women were causing a scene and u know in nairobi with all the idle people around how fast a crowd can gather...instead of the crowd being a signal that they should shut up about their sex fueled the feud!I just wanted the ground to open and swallow me up on their behalf...mind u my hair had been left halfway done so they could get into the quarrel!
Eventually another hairdresser came to finish my hair and she was telling me how the two keep going at it every now and then and how she was considering firing them coz they were bad for business...bad for business..i was not even concerned about their cvs, its how they could walk in the streets without hiding their faces with everyone knowing what they had gotten up to!
It just made me think again about women..sometimes its true what they say...we are our own worst enemies...who is to know the guys these women were fighting about were in another part of the city getting it on with some other woman? and if my hairdressers from jana know that the guy their colleague is dating is bad news..why not go and tell her instead of feigning happiness for her? is it that we like to see other women fail? do we get a kick out of seeing the other woman fall to pieces? I think that before we go at the other woman's throat about the guy, we should first ask ourselves about the man and then about our own character..what would make us think that we deserve less than what we were created for?
It is this attitude that we need to change as women if we are to truly get the respect we deserve..if you want others to love u they say, u have to love urself...a deep appreciation of urself..who you are...warts and all..because when you appreciate know what you deserve and no one can make you settle for matter the pressure! And remember ladies, God created us and despite what everyone else may think of you..God don't make no junk!


  1. mmmhhh!! food 4 thot....ladies wake up n smell the coffee

  2. Chica your experiences are just hilarious (still laughing at the thought of what went on), but very true. We are our own worst enemies.
